Friday, October 28, 2005

Harriet Miers and other Episcopalians

It is too bad Harriet Miers withdrew her name for consideration to serve on the Supreme Court because we need another Episcopalian on the court. She claimed to be an evangelical but the truth is she worships God more often than not @ Church of the Incarnation in Dallas, which is Anglo-catholic and not very evangelical (in the press understanding of the word) (

Speaking of Episopalians making news, Karl Rove is an Episcopalian, and so is Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson. They worship @ the same parish in DC, although Rove says Wilson attends the "Jesus as my girlfriend" mass.

1 comment:

Joseph BW Smith said...

Thanks for giving us a Maureen Dowd link that we don't have to pay for...damn NY Times.