Monday, October 31, 2005

Court Swinging towards Rome

If Alito is confirmed to SCOTUS, the court will be made up of 5 Roman Catholics, one Episcopalian, one Protestant, and two Jewish persons. Clarence Thomas, one of the five Romans, spent much of his adult life in the Episcopal Church, although he crossed the Tiber when it was politically and professionally expedient. I don't know what the Roman domination of the court will mean to American jurisprudence, but things are looking good for Rosaries in the public square.

Believer's baptism

What most people don't recognize about Anglicanism is that adult or "believer's" baptism is normative. Anglicans baptize infants and children because we understand that God's redemptive love is present in the sacramental act whether we are "believers" or not. A wise friend of mine put it this way, "Just because an infant doesn't understand what it means to be a member of a family, we make room for them. Why shouldn't this be true of God? If baptism is the outward sign of entry into the church, why should this be restricted to only those who 'understand'?" The BCP expresses it this way "Infants are baptized so that they can share citizenship in the Covenant, membership in Christ, and redemption by God." This places a heavy burden on the Church for catechesis and instruction, but Jesus does instruct his disciples to "go forth and baptize them...teaching them...." If we follow this formula from the end of Matthew's Gospel, it seems to me that baptism precedes instruction.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Harriet Miers and other Episcopalians

It is too bad Harriet Miers withdrew her name for consideration to serve on the Supreme Court because we need another Episcopalian on the court. She claimed to be an evangelical but the truth is she worships God more often than not @ Church of the Incarnation in Dallas, which is Anglo-catholic and not very evangelical (in the press understanding of the word) (

Speaking of Episopalians making news, Karl Rove is an Episcopalian, and so is Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson. They worship @ the same parish in DC, although Rove says Wilson attends the "Jesus as my girlfriend" mass.

Stop his quest for the Presidency

I've started this blog to stop my friend Theobilly from seeking the presidency. I know it might be impossible and I'll be swimming upstream, but Theobilly must not be the first Gen X president. He must be stopped!

A Baptist in the Whitehouse? Remember the last time that happened? How tacky!

There are many more reasons to stop his candidacy, and I'll be posting them as I dream them up.

Go back to drinking man!